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Transforming chemistry for a sustainable future: ESG commitment at Química Anastacio.

We understand that the chemical industry has an important role to play in the transition to a more sustainable future. In response to this, we have taken a proactive approach to minimize our environmental impact, maximize our positive social impact and ensure transparency and accountability in our corporate governance.

Entendemos que la industria química tiene un papel importante que desempeñar en la transición hacia un futuro más sostenible. En respuesta a esto, hemos adoptado un enfoque proactivo para minimizar nuestro impacto ambiental, maximizar nuestro impacto social positivo y garantizar la transparencia y la responsabilidad en nuestro gobierno corporativo

Our commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility is not only the right thing to do, it is critical to our continued success and long-term growth.

Sustainable development goals

In 2015, the UN proposed to its member countries a new sustainable development agenda for the next 15 years, the 2030 Agenda, made up of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This is a joint effort, from countries, companies, institutions and civil society. The SDGs seek to secure human rights, end poverty, fight inequality and injustice, achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, act against climate change, as well as address other of the greatest challenges of our time.

As part of this commitment, Química Anastacio is engaged in this movement, through projects and solutions that meet the needs of the present without compromising future generations.

Corporate Governance

Química Anastacio is a company committed to achieving and maintaining high standards of corporate governance.

It carries out periodic assessments of relevant sustainability topics, with specific focus areas associated with the impacts of your business.

To this end, through its policy, it establishes procedures in search of the best corporate governance practices, involving our stakeholders


Our ambitions reflect our awareness of our responsibility. We know that it is always possible to do more to provide a better life for people and the planet, in line with our purpose.

To increase our transparency and reinforce our mission, we have established global and transversal commitments to the environmental aspects of ESG, in synergy with the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world (UN Global Compact), the size that Química Anastacio wants to be.

These commitments are:


Química Anastacio believes in human development, empathy and constant investment in education to strengthen both corporate culture and the surrounding society.

We support projects that
are aligned with our essence

Social responsability

We support projects that
are aligned with our essence

Connect and transform
That’s our chemistry

We are part of the Química Anastacio ecosystem, serving as a catalyst for actions that transcend the company's limits and contribute to a fairer, more inclusive and sustainable world.

The Anastacio Institute encompasses Química Anastacio's ESG projects, programs, campaigns and initiatives, aligned and committed to social, corporate and sustainability responsibility.

Declaration of
Ethics and
Procurement Policy
and Supplier
Health, and Safety